domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Nothing is gonna change just because you deserve it.

Nothing is going to changes just because you deserve it, things are the way it should be. Don´t expect a better treatment just because you have been a formal person, or a nice person. Life doesn´t has to do with that, and for living life has to do less. 

Someone who i admire a lot said: You could be in hell whenever you want and you can stay there how long you want, or... you can fight your way back into the light, you can climb out of hell step by step, inch by inch. Because that´s life, just a game of inches...

I’ll tell you this in any fight it is the guy who is willing to die who is going to win that inch. And I know if I am going to have any life anymore it´s because, i´m still willing to fight, and die for that inch, because that´s what LIVING is, the inches in front of your face. And i can´t do it for you... 

Sometimes life doesn´t seems fair enough, sometimes life is not the way you would like it would be. But that´s not reason enough to give up, enjoy your happinness and move your pain in a positive direction. Learn how to recognise who love you, and who don´t, do the same with the one who respect you and who don´t. And above all over the things if you want to change the world, start by you it´s gonna be harder than what you think, believe me, there´s no secret to make it easier, my only advice, never give up. Don´t be afraid to loose persons and stuff, thats part of life and only what it worth will keep up his value till the final... (you are not alone)